the lack of satisfaction

Connor Hearld
3 min readFeb 17, 2022

are you bored? because I am.

Photo by Niklas Hamann on Unsplash

as of late, it’s been more and more difficult to find the motivation to do much of anything that I would have formerly considered a productive task. whether that be something simple like folding laundry or something a little more time consuming like reading a book. my motivation and drive seems to come in too short of bursts to actually get me to do anything at all.

so here we are. now what?

if you’ve reached this point, you’re not lost to the void, but rather you just need to take a step back to see things in a more broad view.

for me, I have noticed that I get sucked into these ruts when I catch myself having been on social media(the scrolling mind) or when I consume content purely just for the sake of consuming content. if we can only make so many decisions in a day, how many decisions did i just make scrolling through a page of posts? say for even a single post, i can scroll to the post, look at the post, like the post, zoom in on the post, comment on the post, share the post, bookmark the post, the list goes on. before you know it, you could have made countless decisions on a random post that realistically holds and held no value to you both now and in the future.

don’t even get me started on a youtube auto-play loop(ya know the kind where you just sit staring at a the screen watching random videos for hours?).

but are there others ways I’ve been dragging myself down?

all of those times where I sit down at my desk with the intent to do meaningful work on whatever it is I’m passionate about just to sit down and immediately start playing videos games. if it seems pointless, then maybe an adjustment is needed, or maybe you’re not working on the write things. perhaps maybe, even consider taking a break from the chains you call video games.

it will always be okay to tell yourself no, whether it be for just “one” extra cookie after lunch or just “one” more level up in the game you’re playing.

if this seems choppy, then I’ve accurately represented my mind in these mental states.

I think largely, at best, playing a video game does present a certain skill-set and an attention to detail, maybe even some better coordination here and there. the problem arises when you set those small goals within a virtual space to be higher and more worth it than reality and your real goals within your actual life.

this isn’t a post attacking video game culture, social media, or youtube but an attempt to say that you shouldn’t let any of these platforms control you. whether or not you know it, you only have so much energy in a day, so if you spend your entire day’s energy on these platforms and then wonder why you can’t do anything productive, you’ve just found your own personal group of vampires.

moderation will always be key to anything in life.

take a deep breath. that was a big bite to chew.

here are a few things you can do to limit yourself on these platforms.

  • pomodoro timer
  • watching your screen time
  • limiting apps
  • limiting notifications
  • setting time aside specifically for these platforms(you won’t crave it if you give yourself some time to relax with them here and there)
  • don’t be so hard on yourself

these are just a few ways to ease your way into living a little more intentionally instead of getting caught in the blur of life. it’s important to be able to recount your life without regrets, hence why every other thing you see nowadays is always about increasing your happiness level and living a meaningful life, etc. regardless of whether or not you believe any of it, we can all agree that we go through different states of focus, some satisfying and some others not so much. but slowly and surely, we’ll reach a level of contentment together. you and I both.

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I hope you all have an amazing rest of your day. Remember to breathe.

