relief(a story about less)

Connor Hearld
3 min readJan 1, 2022


Am I worried?

Am I worrying?

Are you worried?

Are you worrying?

Photo by Tingey Injury Law Firm on Unsplash

I could use a deep breath, and if you’re worried, maybe you should take one.

There will always be something to worry about, but a better way to approach something worrisome is to decide what actually needs to be worried about and what is just superficial fluff our minds have convinced us to worry about. A good example of something to maybe worry about in the instant you feel it could be needing to slam on your breaks while driving, or realizing the sip of coffee you’re about to take is too hot still. Perhaps something to not be as worried about could be the rent payment that’s due 6 months from now that you know you’ll have the money for(within reason).

Worrying can be useful but also encumbering. Like a computer, we can only expend so much of our resources before we run out and are left with 0 energy, a decreased morale, and an overly cluttered mind.

Don’t be fooled. I am worried constantly.

The difference from our varying types of worry have only to do with the amount I let it bother me. Troubling times have never not been a problem throughout civilization, so why let it bother you now if we have already gotten this far as human beings.

To be more clear, there will always be things that legitimately need to be worried about, this article isn’t claiming that you can’t or shouldn’t be worried. The goal of this article is to claim that if you try hard enough and organize a little, you can be worried a little less if you apply enough effort to the right areas to get the ball rolling.

Whether your worry be about something that you can deal with and rid yourself of or something slightly existential, there are ways to deal with your mind and thoughts in healthy ways.

So what are these special ways that only productive and philosophical gurus have?(in no particular order? these all vary from one person to the next)

  • Time with friends and family(we all need to recharge)
  • A support system(this can be friends, family, or even a random person you see frequently enough. worst case scenario, set a reminder on your calendar)
  • Enough sleep(aim for a minimum of 7 hours a day)
  • Eating the right things to maintain a baseline of health(we all differ)
  • Drinking enough water(we all differ)
  • An appropriate amount of exercise(we all differ)
  • Journaling(what’s on your mind? what are you dealing with? how does that make you feel? etc.)
  • Reading/Learning new things(picking up a book and learning a skill or some new facts never hurt anyone)
  • Meditation(sit with your eyes closed, focus on your breath, and just breath for a minimum of 5 minutes. you’ll thank me)
  • And a goal in mind that will help you move day to day(it doesn’t have to be huge, just big enough to make you excited for every new day)

Above are just a few things that you can start with. Just because this particular list exists in this article doesn’t mean that you have to follow every single bullet point, but rather, take from it the things you personally find the most useful.

We are all different, so use the things most useful to your own needs.

Now that you have a couple of ways for dealing with being worried. Take note of which of the bullet points hit you the hardest(if none of them did, maybe you need to dig a little deeper).

Grab a pen or pencil(whichever you prefer, we all have a preference), a piece of paper, and get writing. The sooner you write out what is floating around in your mind, like a fisherman fishing, you are able to pull in something of value to you. If it’s not ready to be in full fruition, then you can toss it back and go for something smaller. Gradually, reaching the bigger catches that will bring about the most mental change.

Life is a journey. So journal.

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Have any of you made any resolutions? Drop a comment and tell me about them!

Make sure to have a wonderful 1st day of the year.

