Focus on the Process

Connor Hearld
4 min readOct 8, 2021

“Focus on the process, not the end result.”

*insert ambient photo here*

Photo by Benjamin Behre on Unsplash

That’s what everyone tells us. Our parents, grandparents, teachers, professors, and the list goes on. A “it’s not about the destination, but the journey” level of thinking.

What does that even mean?

If you are asking yourself this question, then chances are you are feeling a little foggy with life right now.

Maybe it’s because you aren’t focusing on the journey?

Too often we get so caught up in what it would be like to achieve something that we let it take up our entire thought process to the point that we feel paralyzed. This paralysis isn’t from fear or being over-encumbered with what to do, rather it is just like a pleasant view that you don’t want to forget.

A fantasy, but if you focus on the right thing, it can be a reality.

Have you ever noticed that the days you have flow, you get the most work done? While this is partially due to having a state of flow, there are a lot of other things that play a part. In particular, what is going through your head, or lack there of. When you have a clear mind, you free up space to think about the things that benefit your life and potentially others lives.

You have an empty cup and you can fill it with anything you’d like.

Say there were 2 different types of thinking for an individual. The first option being a general curiosity about a subject and a deep passion to understand it. The second option being a deep passion to become something specific. While these 2 levels of thought seem somewhat straightforward, they have very different implications if thought about deeply.

On the one hand, you have interest in the process, the other the destination.

Could you place which type of thinking is which?

I’ll let you decide. The more you work through your mind on your own, the better you understand it, and thus the more you understand yourself.

No wrong answers, unless?

While we are all at different stages in life and have unique experiences to ourselves, in someways, we are similar. Many of us are growing up with the same culture, customs, and sociability(varying country to country).

So, if we are growing up in the same places and experiencing roughly the same things, why do we all grow into such unique people? It’s as if life has hidden passages that only specific individuals can enter or even notice.

If you are who you surround yourself with, who do you surround yourself with? Is there a point where you become someone you wish you hadn’t or can you change into someone else?

This is referencing most of the self-help industry if you haven’t noticed.

The idea that no matter how far you have gone in one direction, you have the ability to walk back freely from which you came and then walk down a different lane with your newfound knowledge.

Let’s do a recap.

Ourselves + Life experiences = Who we become

Simple right?

Can you see how generic that equation is? That’s intended. Intentionally broad with a lot of options.

Forgive me but let me talk a little about evolution, whether or not you believe in it or not, to whatever degree. Our biology was made in a way to let us adapt, learn, and expand our skill-set to overcome challenges. So if we have become someone that we know we don’t like, hundreds of thousands of years of evolution have enabled us with an undo button if we are willing to make the effort to press it. At no point are we stuck in our ways so long as we accept the fact that we need to change.

Who we become in life is all about the journey, not the destination.

The destination is a single point, but our start lines are in a 360 degrees circumference around that point. Which starting line you choose is up to you. Which point you choose is up to you. We have more control over our lives than we believe.

“Focus on the process, not the end result.”

If you liked this article, feel free to clap for me. If you thought this article was rubbish and could have been better put together, leave a comment and let me know why.

If you loved it, share.

If you hated it, make fun of me and share.

The choice is yours, it’s all about the journey.

